Sunday, January 29, 2006

In God I Trust

Yesterday at my son's basketball game the half-time testimony was about trusting God. The gentlmen told a story about a millionaire acquintance he was with who stopped to pick up a penny off the sidewalk, pausing and then putting the penny in his pocket. He asked the millionaire, "Certainly you don't need to be picking up the change off the street do you believe in the good luck myth? Shouldn't you be putting the penny in your shoe?"
The millionaire replied, "Have you ever read a penny? We pass these coins between us every day and never give it a second thought but everyone of them says, "IN GOD WE TRUST." I have found that whenever I find a penny the next thing that happens requires a substantial trust in God. So now, I pick up the coin, read the words, "In God We Trust," and pray. Often when I am facing something difficult God places a coin in front of me to remind me to always trust Him to get me through it."
Today in church I was praying about a spiritual battle I am facing. I felt strongly that I should set up an appointment with the pastor to discuss it but I didn't want to wait. I needed to approach him immediately after the service and often that is a difficult time because many people like to approach him after his sermon and it can be very distracting trying to get your thoughts across and usually results in making a later appointment anyway.
Feeling quite nervous about approaching him, I bowed my head down to pray as the last song was playing. At the tip of my shoe was a dime, so I confidently picked it up and smiled as I read, "In God We Trust." Not just a penny's worth, I thought, but ten times!
At the end of the service, the pastor announced that if anyone wanted to discuss more about partnership to meet him in the fellowship hall. We ran into each other right outside the door of the sanctuary and he said, "Good to have here today." Confidently I remembered the dime in my pocket and said, "Thanks. I am going to meet you in the fellowship hall." I thought to myself, "I do have a question about partnership although it seems trivial in light of this spiritual assault."
Since no one else attended the meeting, I was able to share my heart about the spiritual attack I was under without distraction. The result was a spiritual partnership for R4C Ranch.
That was 10 times more than I even thought to ask for. "In God I Trust"

Friday, January 27, 2006

Only In America

God Bless America!
Drive thru breakfast may be available in many countries these days, but only in America can you drive through once and be served by people of three diverse ethnic groups. This morning I stopped at the drive through of the golden arches and ordered my breakfast into the speaker-phone. I stopped at the first window and paid my ticket to a rather small man of African descent. Then I pulled to the next window and a Hispanic woman handed me my drink and with english words that rolled off her tongue with a heavy spanish accent she asked, "Would you pull up dare to wait for your food?" I pulled up to the drive thru and wait slots hoping I wouldn't have to wait too long. To my surprise a shorter man than the first came to my window within minutes. I recognized that he was of Japenese descent which didn't really surprise me being in America and all. But when he bowed to me, you know like they do in Japan, I was really taken by surprised. The biggest smile came over my face, "Thank you," I almost shouted at him more for the bow than the bag of food. I had seen the custom often on television shows but never actually had anyone do that to me. I have to say, "It made me feel very special." What a blessing!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Sailboat

It's not about what happens, it is about what you do with it when it happens. It is tempting to second guess what you did to cause a particular outcome, but after reading Exodus and the plagues and all that, I think I realize that God will use any situation for his purpose. God gets his point across by causing unexpected outcomes from our best efforts. It is not the effort that produced an outcome that is important but rather our response to the outcome.
When the outcome is good we tend to pat ourselves on the back and think, that was a great effort. When the outcome is something unexpected we think our effort failed. But actually neither reaction is correct. Neither the good outcome or the unexpected outcome can be credited to our effort but rather is the result of God's will. So it is more important to concentrate on what to do with the outcome than on the effort itself. How is it that God is moving you to respond to the outcome of your efforts?
I had a vision once of a sailboat. The boat was still on the water, becalmed. It was very similiar to an afternoon I spent in a becalmed sailboat with my father. Its great sails were stretched high above it, yet, it did not move. The sails drooped toward the water with no wind to move them. The rudder moved back and forth but could not turn the boat. It could not go forward, it could not go back, it could not be turned in either direction. It was becalmed, destined to sit on the water in the middle of the lake and do nothing.
What I realized from this vision is that the only important thing about effort, is that we make an effort at all; lift the sails up, pray for wind. The sail boat must be moving forward in order to be turned. If your sails are down, no wind is going to move that boat. God can not direct you if you are not moving. Ask the Lord to send the Holy Spirit in your life to be the wind in your sails. Let Jesus be the rudder, pointing your vessel toward the Father, our God, who awaits us on the other side. A lighthouse beaconing us toward him.
The thing about a moving sailboat is that there is always outcome that can be changed. If the boat is moving, it can be turned around, it can be turned left or right, or it can be allowed to gain momentum in the direction it is going. Once the sails are up, the effort is not what is important. What is important is who we let steer our rudder.
It is important to know where you want to go and stay pointed in that direction. As long as you have lifted the sails, no further effort on your part will move the boat. You must have the wind in the sails to move. All you are asked to do is lift your sails and receive the wind. Asking Jesus to guide your rudder and pointing your outcomes toward God. Even if you are going full-speed in the wrong direction, as long as you are willing to 'come about' you can change your direction.
After much effort on my part to ensure a particular outcome, something totally unexpected happened to me. All my preparation resulted in something I was totally not prepared for. My gut reaction is to ask, "What did I do to get that outcome so I can make sure I never do it again?" However, after prayerful consideration, I realize that I can not take credit for the outcome. I need to evaluate the situation based on what God is trying to do through it. Not what caused the outcome, but what does the outcome need from me. Do I need to turn left or right, change direction, or gain momentum in the direction I am already heading?

Monday, January 23, 2006

Wisdom, Strength, & Victory

Today I listened to the President speak at a Question and Answer session at Kansas State University. The answer he gave to the question, "As a man of character, how do you deal with the attacks on your character?," caught my attention. His answer, "Faith, Family, and Friends and of course, {implied: when it gets real sticky}, Barney, my dog."

The President was right on today, better than I have ever seen him. He said, "When you make hard decisions, things get a little sticky. I am sustained by the many Americans, more than I can ever thank, who are praying for me." In addition to requesting a prayer covering over your daily life, surrounding yourself with supportive family and friends, and having the joy of a good pet to take care of who will love you unconditionally; the President encouraged all Americans to keep the important things in perspective. He said, "If you know something is important you have to schedule it in, like prayer and exercise." He emphasized the importance of both praying and exercising regularly and I have to agree.

Since I started my exercise program, not only does my brain seem clearer but my tasks seem lighter. I also scheduled a weekly time to pray over my home and family members and it has been such a blessing. I enjoy the time thinking about each member and their needs. God has blessed me with so many answers and praise reports through these prayers. In so many areas where we just struggled and stumbled along, victory has come through just because we have asked for it. And you can just read this blog and realize what a blessing our horses and dogs and often our cats!, have been in our lives. "Ask the animals and they will teach you... for which of these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this. In His hands is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind." Job 12:6

May God continue to bless America and give His wisdom, strength, and victory to our President.

Where the Messes Are

"An empty stable stays clean, but no income comes from an empty stable." Proverbs 14:4 NLT
"Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest." Proverbs 14:4 NIV
" 4 Når der ikke er Okser, er Laden tom, ved Tyrens Kraft bliver Høsten stor." Proverbs 14:4 Dansk

Things are going to get a little messy in order for God to produce a great harvest. If you don't have to muck up a mess now and then, you probably aren't producing anything worthwhile.

God is producing an abundant harvest, down where the messes are.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Thank God I'm A Horse-woman

If I would have been a horse-woman when my children were little, I would have broken big jobs down into smaller tasks more. I would have asked, gotten out of their way, and allowed them to try more. If I would have been a horse-woman when my children were little I would have made them doing the right thing a lot easier and doing the wrong thing much more difficult for them. If I would have been a horse-woman when my kids were little, I would have used show-sheen on their manes and bought providine at the feed store in the big jug for a lot less. If I would have been a horse-woman when my children were little, I would have rewarded them with praise on every real try and made sure I didn't reward them when they didn't try. I would have found an opportunity to always end our encounters on a good try.

If I would have been a horse-woman when I was married, I would have made more time to take my husband out to play. I would have groomed him more and returned him to his own space when I was done. If I would have been a horse-woman when I was married, I would have complained about his messes a lot less and just hired a ranch-hand to clean up after him. I would have soothed his aching muscles more, allowed him time to get used to new ideas more, asked for more of the things he was good at giving, and found more reasons to praise his good tries.

If I would have been a horse-woman when my children were little, I would have learned a lot more about sibling herd dynamics. I would have stayed out of the way more and let the kids work out their own pecking order. If I would have been a horse-woman when I was married, I would have understood the need for some studs to be dominant and I would have gotten out of the way and let my husband be the leader. I would have learned to lead from within the herd and been more comfortable with my placement at the second bucket and more thankful to have a good leader.

If I would have been a horse-woman back then, I would have been a better wife and mother. I would have had more fun, less worries, and just enjoyed the ride more. Thank God I am a horse-woman now! Watch out!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A Women's Spirit

There is something inquisitive about a Woman's Spirit. I learned this first from my mother who always saved the last peice of pie for herself. Of course, she waited patiently to make sure everyone else got a peice and though none was ever left over for her she seemed perfectly content watching everyone else enjoy a peice. A woman does things for everyone around her and somewhere finds energy to do more. No one seems to notice that nothing has been done for her. However, curiously enough she waits to take care of herself after she has cared for everyone else. But after caring for everyone else's needs there is no time left for her to care for her own needs. You would think this would wear her down and sometimes she thinks that it has. But even more curious is all it takes to recharge her for another round, to refuel her for the long haul, to satisfy her soul, is a mumbled, mouth-ful, "Great pie, mom," as the back door slams. Though alone with the dirty dishes, her spirit is lifted and she's off again when all others would have been crushed and defeated long ago.

Monday, January 16, 2006

I'm the Leader

I rode Jazz yesterday. It was an awesome 60 degrees; a beautiful day at the ranch. The ride was a little less than the wind in your mane type of ride. We worked on our turns and she was agreeable to the whole thing for a while. However, when I decided to go work on our turns around the haybales and farther from Zippi racing up and down the fence next to us, she was a little less agreeable. So when I thought I was giving a cue to make a right turn in the opposite direction that Jazz wanted to go, I was actually giving a cue to sidepass in the direction Jazz wanted to go; at least that is how Jazz interpreted the cue. With Jazz's neck arched beautifully toward my toes, her body moved gracefully sideways toward the barn.

One thing I forgot to mention, I am not that good of a rider. I didn't even know I knew the cue for sidepassing yet. It must be very close to the cue for turn your darn head to the right and let your hindquarters follow it around in a circle. I think Jazz was just showing off. When I asked her to circle to a stop, she circled to a trot. What a showoff! Like I didn't know she could trot.

I think Jazz had forgotten that I was the leader. She wanted to play, "I'll beat you to the barn."

"Oh I know this game. We've played it before. You try to run out from under the saddle as fast as you can." It's a pretty thrilling game but I just wanted to play follow the leader and I wanted to be leader! "I'm the leader. We'll go to the barn when I say so. Hurry, let's go to the barn!"

Friday, January 13, 2006

Rest Home

I read a brochure this afternoon recommending "Top Time-Saving Tips" which included a little tidbit on relaxing and recharging. I whole-heartedly agree that rest is important. God set the example for us and rested on the seventh day. What I found odd were the suggestions for how to relax. With recommendations like get a manicure, jog in a park, or buy yourself an ice cream cone, I am stressed with the thought of having to get out in the frigid cold to run in the park, make another inconvenient appointment in my day for the manicure, or fight traffic to run out and get an ice cream cone. This would not reduce my stress level one bit.

My recommendation: Stay Home. Design a 'Rest Home.' Create as many ways to relax in your home as you can and then use them. When my house gets chaotic, I like to start off in my bedroom. I set up a place to relax with either lots of stackable pillows on my headboard or a recliner with a reading lamp. Then in the morning tidy up the room, make the bed, spray a mist of air freshner, and close the door on the way out. When you are done running yourself ragged with your to-do list, you'll open the bedroom to a wonderful surprise exclaiming, "Awesome! The maid was here," forgetting the fact you are the maid. There is nothing more relaxing.

Create lots of relaxing nooks and crannies in your home like a reading corner or a two person breakfast table. Make sure you have a place that is quiet, no tv, to retreat to. Not all relaxation has to be quiet. I enjoy relaxing at the piano playing worship music. There is nothing like a warm, bubble bath with some soft music and a glass of wine.

I do not find getting into my car relaxing or unstressful. It is always a task on a to-do list even if it is fun. On my hectic schedule, there is nothing more relaxing than the opportunity to spend some quality time relaxing in my home.

Monday, January 09, 2006

A Year of Jubilee

Last year, January 2005, a prophetic word came to our church from several sources that our church and its members would experience a year of Jubilee. Now, my personal interpretation of Jubilee was "a joyful celebration." 2005 has been a joyful celebration for myself and my family. We sold our house (that was a miracle in itself) and bought our country home on 77 acres (another major miracle). We named it R4C Ranch, a dream that came out of a series of visions I have had for 'Riders for Christ.' The Lord assured me he wanted to give me fine things as a husband would give his wife and I must tell you I have not been let down. It has truly been a year of Jubilee.

Sunday, however, I received another definition for the word Jubilee, "Release." In biblical times the year of Jubilee came every seven years. It was a time when all debts were erased, slaves were set free, and people had a chance to start over. And I have to say, we had that too.

In 2005 God set me free of a number of things from pain to debt to old ways of thinking. It truly was a year of Jubilee in the fact that so many things were released and I was truly set free. I sense that although I can and will list many here, there were many more things released that are more difficult to put your finger on. I would expect a release of one or two things in a good year but in 2005 it really did feel like the entire slate was wiped clean and a new story began in my life.

The Question was asked: What did God set you free of in 2005? Here's my bulleted, short list:

  • All my credit card debt.
  • My dissatisfaction with my job (although I still have the same job).
  • My need to hang on to Mike through material objects (like the house, his clothes, etc.)
  • Fear of pursuing big dreams without a husband.
  • The burden to change my kids.
  • The entrapment of remembering past hurts.
  • Dependency and expectations on fellowship.
  • Satan's lies and deceptions in family relationships.
  • Needing to micro-manage God's plan for the ranch.

Friday, January 06, 2006

An Intimate Moment with God

Sarah, age 90, overheard God tell Abraham, age 99, "I'll come back this time next year and your wife, Sarah, will have a son!"Sarah laughed silently to herself and thought, "How can a worn-out woman like me enjoy such a pleasure? And Abraham is also old."

Then the Lord said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh?" [Laughing to himself I am sure] God said, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"

Sarah was afraid and denied it, "I didn't laugh."
But the Lord said, "No, you did laugh." (Genesis 16:10-15 NLT)

"Did not."
"Did to."
"Did not"
"Did. Come on, Sarah. It's me, God. Don't you think I can hear you when you laugh?"

Thursday, January 05, 2006

About Church

What I want in a church. I had been searching for a home church since I moved in May. I have been hoping to find a church in my community, the small town of Tonganoxie, so long I have forgotten whether it was my personal desire or a direction I received from the small quiet voice of the Holy Spirit. My desire to find a local church combined with my desire to meet some locals, make new friends, and be able to be close enough to engage fully in the ministry and leadership of the church. My feelings of frustration with finding a church home as well as my children finding a place of joyful worship and connection within the church has led me to do a little soul searching. What is it that I truly want in a church? What is the purpose of church anyway?

What I want in church:
  • First of all I want a church whose beliefs and teachings are consistent with my primary beleifs:
  1. The Infallibility of the scriptures
  2. The Saving Grace of Jesus
  3. The Literal Return of Christ to the Earth
  4. The ability of all God's children to form a personal relationship with him through Christ, read his word, and recieve personally divine direction from the Holy Spirit.
  • Secondly, I want a church where I can enter in to worship in a style that welcomes God to inhabit the praises of his people.
  • Thirdly, I want a church that is spirit-led and encourages it's members to hear and follow the leading of the Spirit. The church should support and encourage members to stretch out possibly even leave the church to minister in their gifts.
  • Fourth, I want a church where I can fellowship with other believers for encouragement and growth in Christ, in my personal gifts and ministries, and in my daily life.
  • Fifth, I want a church where my children can learn about and be encouraged to know Jesus, to walk with Holy Spirit, in a fun and uplifting way. Not in more sit-down and shut-up and listen ways, with more rules and just another day of school way.

Now, is that too much to ask?

What I need in a church:

  • I need fellowship, close enough that someone notices if I don't show up.
  • I need intimacy, people who know something about my life Monday through Saturday and care about what happens.
  • I need to feel as if I contribute something of value to the church and its people.
  • I need to feel as if my voice is heard in the church and that my ideas are valued.

Why do we even go to church? Why not just read the scriptures at home alone with God?

Believers (Ephesians):

  • Bear with one another in love.
  • Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
  • Prepare God's people for works of services so the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, and full in Christ.
  • To be taught to put off your old self, to be made new in the attitude of your minds, and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
  • Put off falsehood and speak truthfully to our neighbors for we are all members of one body.
  • Speak to each other in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of the Lord.
  • Submit to one another in reverance for Christ.
  • To prayer for each other that God would give each of use the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation so we may know Him better.
  • To pray for each other that God would enlighten the eyes of our hearts in order that we may know the hope to which he has called us, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.
  • The power is like the working of his mighty strength which he exerted in Christ and which we are now a part of that Body, the body of Christ which was raised from the dead and seated at the right hand side of God in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion and every title that can be given.
  • God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is the body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

"For the fruit of light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth... find out what pleases the Lord." A church, where each member is part of the body of Christ, should be what helps us find out what pleases the Lord and encourages each other to walk it out just as the members of our own body; our mind, our arms, and our legs; work together to take each step.

Overheard at the BP

Today, driving through a small town on the way to work, I stopped at the BP to pick up a DP. I walked by a table of older, maybe retired gentlemen or farmers who never really retire. They all smiled and I smiled back. I got my bottle of pop and went up toward the checkout. Around the counter there were at least six men of various ages holding items they either had purchased or were going to purchase. I had a hard time figuring out if this was a line or a huddle. Alongside another gentlemen behind the counter the cashier rested his elbow on the cash register and everyone was focusing intently on the story being read from the local paper. It was about a marine named Aaron and his acts of heroism that had made the morning headlines.

I stopped short of the counter to determine if walking straight up to the cash register would be cutting in line. I listened to the rest of the story. The cashier looked up at me and I just lifted my bottle and he began punching some digits into his old fashion register. 85 cents. Cool, down the street at the new chain they were charging me $1.39. The BP facelift on the outside of this gas station, where they still fill up your tank and clean your windows for you, hadn't changed the small town feel inside.

"That's our Aaron" a man behind me insisted, "He was such a good boy."

"Now what was his buddy's name. He is over there too. Oh now that kid, he was such a trouble-maker."

"Oh yea.." They all chuckled as someone hollered out his name. "But now he is a marine. I'll bet he is kicking some butt."

I collected my change and stepped back from the counter. Another man approached and laid down a dollar bill for his coffee. "Way to go Aaron!" He chanted. "That's our boy."

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

"Her Children Rise"

"Her children rise and call her blessed? (Proverbs 31)" I wonder how she does that. My children do not rise at all. They must be drug out of bed every morning. I love to get up in the morning and step out onto my deck and soak in God's presence. If I did not need to arise before the sun comes up, I can enjoy seeing the horses down in the pasture or enjoy God's songs of joy in the sunrise. Mornings can be so serene, even in the dark before the dawn, and then... it's time to call the kids.

It's like blowing up a balloon only to intentionally stick a pin in it. There must have been a mix up at the hospital when my babies were born. What did they do with the children that were going to rise up and call me blessed? Mine don't rise at all and if they do I assure you they call me anything but blessed. I don't sound or look very blessed by the fourth or fifth time I have to call them. As the minutes tick away and they haven't budged, as the dreaded mad dash to the bus stop approaches, I begin to look more frantic and stressed, if you can imagine.

Does anyone have children that rise and call them blessed? If you do please comment to this blog, we want to know your secret! I am not going to quit trying to hold the standard of the Proverbs 31 woman but as scripture says, she is a rare gem. If you have a child that rises willingly and without fret, feel very blessed. If you have two, you are truly blessed.

For me, I am working on ways to encourage the children to rise up on time and get out the door. But when kids turn 16, it is difficult to use some of the same methods we used when they were young. You can't pull their big toe like my dad used to do and they don't think 'water treatment' is fun anymore. You can't entice them with breakfast because they no longer eat before noon. I guarantee they will test you on your ability to really take away their vehicle for life and will torment you with procrastination until the very second the bus pulls around the corner.

The moment I know both my children are at school and will not be released until 3pm in the afternoon, is as peaceful as that first moment each morning I spend on the deck. I relish in the tranquility, knowing I am no longer up against the burden of my responsibility for them for 7 whole hours or until I get a call from the school whichever comes first. My dreaded morning duty, rising the children, is done and I can go about all my other duties knowing all other obstacles in my day will pale in comparison.

Monday, January 02, 2006

RBRR 'Site B'

R4C Ranch is excited to be home to RBRR 'Site B.' River Bluff Rescue Ranch (RBRR) is the expanding ministry of founders Mike and Carol Poland. RBRR is a Christian not-for-profit corporation established to rescue broken horses and pair them with people for interactive healing.

Our newest herd members, pictured here with founder Mike Poland astride DJ, are Diamond Jim (DJ), Taffy, Punkin, and Stella.

Keep reading this Blog for more news about the horses, RBRR ministries, and the development of 'Site B' here at R4C Ranch. Also, check out Carol's RBRR01 blog for highlights about 'Site A' at Serendipity Farms in Platte City, MO.

Happy New Year

The first post of the year, should it be reflective or inspirational? Is the end of the year a time of looking back or looking forward? Will the lessons we learned in 2005 help us make wise choices in 2006? According to Webster's dictionary, wisdom is understanding what is true, right, and lasting. Definitely the scriptures contain wisdom. They have lasted more than 2,000 years and the truth contained within them is still relevant for our lives today. I love pondering that.

The word of the Lord is worth remembering. It is given to us for strength, comfort, and wisdom. "There is nothing I can not master with the help of Christ who gives me strength (Phil 4:13 JB)." The more I learn about Christ in the scriptures the more He can help me. You may have learned that lesson over Christmas as you tried to give good gifts to people. The more intimately you know them, the easier to know what would make a good gift for them. Distant neices or nephews are difficult to buy for. Though you love them dearly, you don't know them well enough to discern a great gift for them. In order to exchange good gifts with God, stay in an intimate relationship with Him by learning all you can about him through study of His word and by telling him often the desires of your heart.

I think of wisdom as a type of learning that discerns truth from the past, whether it be your own experience or someone else's, for use in the future. Certainly the New Year marks a time to gain in wisdom so I will share a little wisdom from Sunday's teaching within this post . "Do yourself a favor and learn all you can; then remember what you learn and you will prosper (Proverbs 19:8 GN)." What did you learn in 2005? Remembering it will help you prosper in 2006.

Taking in account the lessons learned in 2005, it is wise to make plans for 2006. "An intelligent person aims at wise actions, but a fool starts off in many directions (Proverbs 17:24 GN)." Aim at something in 2006 by setting your goals now. Sunday's teaching encouraged us to set goals in four key areas: Intellectual, Physical, Spiritual, and Social. Similarly I encourage goal settings in eight areas: physical health; emotional health; intellectual knowledge; spiritual knowledge; intimate relationship with God; relationship with believers, family, and friends; physical ambience; and ambience with non-believers.

We are called to make productive use of our time and use all our God-given resources wisely. Through the study of God's word and Godly advisors we can work toward goals that make productive use of our time on earth and our lives here will matter in heaven. "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven Matthew 16:19."

I hope you will share your goals in these areas by commenting to this blog. Writing them down increases your chances of accomplishing them.

2006 Goal Areas (Be Specific and Measureable)
Health: Physical; Emotional
Knowledge: Intellectual; Spiritual
Relationships: With God; With Family, Friends, and Fellowship
Ambience: Physical; In Ministry to Non-believers

My 2006 Goals:
Physical Health: I am going to work out to my Denise Austin DVD's at least 4X a week and cut down on the fast food by eating meals at home (no more than two meals out per week). REWARDS: Wear my Capri's riding this summer, have more energy for my chores and horseplay, and spend less money on eating meals.
Emotional Health: Without denying my feelings, I will keep my emotions in check by approaching those who offend me in love and honesty within one week of the offense. I will allow them to respond without any expections on my part. I will give the outcome to the Lord satisfied I did not harbour the hurt in my heart. REWARDS: Eliminate ulcers and be able to focus on the good relationships in my life each day and not run them off with anxiety and complaining about other people.
Intellectual Knowledge: I am going to finish researching and writing my book this year by completing the rough draft by May (6 chapters per month) and editing it for publication by September. REWARDS: Get this information into the hands of home managers looking for a great tool as well as possible financial rewards for improving the ranch.
Spiritual Knowledge: I am going to read the one year bible daily this year checking off each day's reading on the front calendar. REWARDS: Know God's heart and his clear step by step instruction for my life.
Relationship with God: I am going to spend each morning and/or evening where morning dawns and evening fades in Songs of Joy and intimate conversation with God. I am going to make a daily log of what I hear in the quiet voice of the Spirit. I have a list of places to meet God: On the deck watching a sunrise or sunset or the horses in the pasture, at the Piano singing songs of praise and worship, or alone in the garden praying. REWARDS: Drawing closer to God for the exchange of good gifts and the infilling of the Spirit to shine God's light to the world. "One tiny light in each of us, a ray of Hope ... "
Relationship with Family, Friends, and Fellowship: I am going to seek to make one close friend at my new church. I am going to start by attending the Wednesday night study group. I am going to prepare a meal at my home at least four nights each week for inimate conversations with the kids. I am going to make at least four phone calls a week to friends and family. I am going to begin having crockpot meals prepared at our house on Sunday afternoons/early evenings for friends and family and volunteers who show up at the ranch to work. REWARDS: Surrounded with Godly people for mutual encouragement and support.
Physical Ambience: I am going to create a tranquil home by creating a functional, clean, inviting haven for those who live here and all who visit. I am going to start by completing the 30 Day project and setting priorities in each area of home management. REWARDS: A home that functions without undue stress and is a place of refuge for all who enter in.
Spiritual Ambience: I am going to create a place for non-believers to mingle with believers in a non-threatening way at the ranch by opening up my home and property for guests each Sunday afternoon. For those who schedule to participate and those who just want to come out and watch what is going on. REWARDS: Seeing God heal hearts and save souls.