Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Donut

Isn't it exciting that God wants to be in the little stuff too? After kind of a rough start getting out of the shoot this morning, my 8 yo son and I were at the quick store picking out breakfast items. He was hoping to get a creme filled long john and asked the clerk which ones were filled. She said the ones that have a frosting dot on them were filled. But none of the long john's had dots. She came by and peeked and said, "I'm sorry we are out of the creme filled."
My son examined the donut bin and then announced that he was just going to take a chance and pick one and hope that it had creme in it. I put my arm on his shoulder and whispered, "God please let this be a creme filled day!" My son smiled, "Amen." As we walked out of the store, he said he wasn't going to worry about whether the donut had creme or not he was just going to enjoy it however it came.
A few minutes after we pulled out he shouted, "God does care about my donut!" And he held up the donut to show me the yellow creme dripping out of his donut.
"Thankyou God" I replied, "Thankyou for being here in the little things."
It means so much to know that God cares about the little things in our lives, the things that seem insignificant to bystanders but like creme in a donut can make our days a little brighter.
My son replied, "Well at least God can get creme into a donut even if they can't."
"With God all things are possible."