Sunday, July 29, 2012

'No Alarm' is My Sweet Little Joy

'No Alarm' Following Me in the Pasture
       "No Alarm means joyfully jumping out of bed in the AM," Carol comments after seeing No Alarm's photo on facebook. Reminds me of the perfect day off. No alarm clock. Waking up rested without any obligations and the whole day ahead of you to do whatever you want. What a great way to explain the feeling I had when I met our new filly, No Alarm.
        I had no expectations about her. As a matter of fact, I had bought her sight unseen. I had met her mom and her sister but I had completely forgotten to meet her before I signed the paperwork. Sometimes you just have this spiritual prompting that leads you to move through something without much planning. It's like sitting down in a raft and trusting the water slide will guide you to the bottom without knowing the twists and turns it might take. In this case, it was like waking up in the morning without any plans as a magnificently joyful day unfolded before me.