Spring is here I am just sure of it! The trees have green leaves emerging from their winter slumber. The pastures are displaying a light green blanket pleasantly not quite long enough to mow. The crack of lightning and roar of thunder this week made me wonder if we had the right month turned over on the calendar. Wasn't it March that came in like a lion and out like a lamb? Is it really the end of April?
Whatever the date, we are looking forward to a pocket of sunshine at the ranch tomorrow and plan to bring up a couple more horses for Spring grooming. We'll be putting final plans on the locations of the campfire rings and hopefully, if it dries up enough to transport, we will get the paddle boat down to the pond.
It is true that "April showers bring May flowers," even if it rains ice pellets. This is what muck boots and stiff (aka favorite) socks are for!!
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